The Elitkomposit development department thrives on challenges. As specialists in composite production, with focus on glass and carbon fiber based architecture, we have helped many companies and organizations to get past the limits of conventional materials. This gives our customers advantages when competing in their market, and opens the door for new technical advancements. As a complete supplier, we can offer engineering and development services for both small and big projects.
We mainly manufacture products in epoxy based composites, predominantly reinforced by glass or carbon fibre, but also kevlar and other synthetic fiber. With refined production methods we are able to ensure a high and stable level of quality. With an effective and project focused organization, we have become a trusted partner for demanding customers in, among others, the space industry, the defence industry and medical industry.
Elit Composite has a unique broad experience of delivering to different industries with different needs. But the common denominator is always demanding products for demanding customers. The smallest details weigh 0.14 grams and the largest closer to 2.7 tonnes. But they are both complex structures designed to meet very specific requirements. We’ll solve it!
Elit Composite is located in Uddevalla in the historic shipyards area. The old interior decoration with its 6300 m2 is now home to 34 dedicated employees and all the equipment required to manufacture truly sophisticated composites. Despite our modest size, together with a few other companies in Europe, we are in the exclusive range delivering groundbreaking solutions to space and defense industries.
In Trollhättan is our wholly owned subsidiary, the tool manufacturer Hagman Prototype. Where Toolmaking and all cutting finishing takes place. Biggest machine can handle 3.6 x 2.6 x 1.2 meters 5-axis. There are also four modern Negri Bossi injection molds in which we develop production technology for thermoplastic composites.
World-class competence! Elitkomposit AB has over the years acquired deep knowledge in compositional production technology. We apply a handful of different processes everyday. We have built up unique skills in tool and machine building to meet specific process and product requirements.
When you turn to us, you can be sure that we help you choose the right process and the right material for your particular application. Whether it’s about strength or geometric requirements, electrical requirements or fatigue resistance, we help you meet – and usually exceed – the requirement.
Material knowledge, process knowledge and our ability to innovate in production equipment enables us to always offer the most cost-effective, and technically most suitable solution for each application.
Want to know what we can do for you?
Contact us here.
+46 522 – 65 77 60
+46 522-657766
+46 522-657767
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